FREE Workbook: Finding Your North Star.

Let’s take a deep dive into who you really are.
Take an hour out of your life to commit your beliefs, your passions, your experience and your biggest, wildest dreams to paper. Believe me, it’s where the magic starts and I am SO excited for you.
Maybe you are still in the embryonic stage of figuring out exactly what your future creative business could look like, maybe you are starting to think about leaving your 9-5 but are not sure what you could do (believe me when I say the possibilities are endless, you got this!) or maybe you just want to take a step back and examine your creative purpose.
By evaluating who you are, committing your dreams to paper and thinking through all of the things you love to do and are good at doing, you are taking the very first step towards cultivating your new creative business.
Whether you write this on the metro, at your kitchen table or in the bath with a glass of wine in hand, carving out a bit of space to think about yourself and what you want can open up your mind to all kinds of exciting, crazy new possibilities.
What you get
We are going to dive into your dreams, your passions, your life experiences, your inspirations and much more to get to a point where your future creative purpose becomes clear. And after that, the future is so bright because whatever business you are planning will have solid roots that reflect who you are as a human, and that’s the best place you can possibly start from.
Take a peek inside the 12 page workbook below.
About Ruth
I’m Ruth. I’m a creative coach and cheerleader of creative businesses ~ mum of two girls, stepmum and wife ~ freedom business owner ~ orphan ~ breast cancer patient ~ vegetable lover and travel blogger.
I’ve made my living in creative industries for over twenty years. I’ve been freelance, I’ve worked in online communications roles. I’ve worked in a London creative agency and when that agency didn’t meet my flexible working request after having my first baby, I set up and grew my own agency to 7 people within three years, winning business and creating content for major lifestyle brands like Unilever, Jumeirah and Wedgwood.
Today I run my freedom business from anywhere I want. This year alone I have worked/travelled in thirteen countries, travelling with my husband and kids in our yellow campervan, Annie. I spent two and a half years living in Barcelona, where I fell in love with palm trees and the Mediterranean lifestyle and although we chose to come back to the UK, I felt I had to bring the sunshine and palms into my life back home, and so became my tribe and community of awesome creatives.
Now I’m here to serve and help creatives just like you to create their own freedom businesses. Business made with love by you and powered by social media.
Read more of my story.